Information Technology Services (ITS)

EIS external review

Image of IT infrastructure


ITS has developed the IT@UofT strategic plan that sees the University as having a unique opportunity to provide transformative digital leadership within the higher education sector. The plan embraces the potential of information technology to completely transform what the University does and how it is done, driving better outcomes around teaching, learning and scholarship across the three U of T campuses.

The plan articulates a vision that IT@UofT provides leadership that enables the University to achieve our mission by fostering an integrated and collaborative community, built on creativity, agility, transparency and trust.

The vision in turn rests on three thematic pillars – People, Solutions and Collaboration – that provide a foundational focus for the development of further plans within ITS and more broadly across the University.

Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions (EIS) provides other IT@UofT service providers, and indeed the entire U of T community, with critical, foundational services. It is vital that EIS position itself to address the emergent needs of its users and adapt its own services and skills to an increasingly dynamic and challenging technology context.

To help determine alignment with these goals, an external review of EIS was conducted in spring 2021. The external reviewers were two senior IT leaders from other large Canadian universities who are very familiar with the challenges and opportunities of IT in the higher ed context. Senior ITS leadership also participated in the review as part of the steering group.

The review included an online survey of clients, both internal and external to ITS, who consume the various services that EIS provides, as well as small group interviews with key stakeholders around the university. EIS also conducted an environmental scan of the technology landscape and a SWOT analysis to ensure that it is positioned to offer innovative new services while continuing to provide a stable information technology infrastructure foundation on which clients can deliver their services.

The links below (U of T login required) will take you to the various artifacts produced as part of the external review, which are being shared in the spirit of collaboration, enhanced transparency and building trust with our valued colleagues across the University.

Please direct any specific feedback and/or questions to Patrick Hopewell, Director, Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions: