Information Technology Services (ITS)
Working with ITS

IT@UofT Employee Resources site

Awards and recognition for ITS employees


Virtual meeting backgrounds
Use these resources to customize your virtual meeting experience.

This document includes notes and troubleshooting tips for using custom virtual backgrounds.

Virtual backgrounds sized for popular meeting software.
Effective email guidelines

These tips and best practices are guidelines for Information Technology Services staff who need to send emails (including listserv messages) to large groups across the IT@UofT community.

Checklist for optimizing your communication when sending an email to a large group across the IT@UofT community.
Virtual workplace tips

Guidelines for helping you effectively organize and contribute to virtual meetings.

Tips for using Microsoft Teams to connect and collaborate in a remote work environment.

For more wellness best practices, review these tip sheets from The Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture.
ITS memo best practices & recommendations

This document outlines the standards and best practices for writing memos that are being sent within ITS.
Chief Information Officer memo distribution process

This document outlines the process that ITS staff must follow when requesting to send official communications from the CIO email inbox