Information Technology Services (ITS)

Business Operations & Administration (BOA)

The Business Operations & Administration (BOA) team provides large and small scale financial and administrative services to ITS and the University of Toronto community. We aim to provide solutions to help achieve the goals of all other units within ITS.

About us

The goal of the BOA team is to design and implement coherent administrative/organizational solutions to help ITS units achieve their goals. As part of this goal, the team provides financial and other administrative services to ITS units. BOA is also responsible for billing and recovering costs for services provided by the CIO portfolio to other University departments.

Mission statement

We provide business and administrative services support to ITS and our campus community. We are a centre for excellence that holds ITS together.

Our values

Our team’s approach reflects the ITS core values and the IT@UofT strategic plan. We believe in:

  1. Being client-focused: Our focus is fulfilling the needs of our clients to make a positive difference. We respond to requests in a timely manner, and if a solution isn’t available, we offer viable alternatives or develop new solutions.
  2. Being result-oriented: We rely on each other’s help when needed and offer improvements to ensure a streamlined workflow and reduced risk.
  3. Teamwork: We are committed to being accountable to ourselves and each other, and we recognize that our interdependency is required for success.
  4. Balance: We are mindful of our individual responsibilities and how they impact team responsibilities, and we proactively offer each other assistance where we anticipate its need.

Our team

Services & key responsibilities

  • CIO portfolio financial planning, management and budget preparation
  • CIO portfolio planning and implementation of physical space activities
  • Billing and recovering costs for services provided by the portfolio across the University
  • Processing expense reimbursements
  • Administrative support for ITS including providing physical space access and purchasing hardware and office supplies
  • Onboarding and offboarding employees
  • Preparing internal personnel reports
  • University asset tracking and management
  • Creating service order requests and placing service calls

Contact us

Business Operations & Administration
Information Technology Services
Office of the Chief Information Officer
215 Huron St., 5th Floor
Toronto, ON M5S 1A2

To get in touch with BOA, email

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