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Connect+Learn: Captioning and Microsoft Teams

Join Connect+Learn and representatives from Academic & Collaborative Technologies for this new session on using captioning with Microsoft Teams. Topics will include how to use live captioning, create a transcript and best practices for captioning during Teams meetings. View session details.

Safeguarding Science Workshop – Public Safety Canada

This workshop, hosted by Public Safety Canada, is designed for the University of Toronto and the University of Waterloo Research communities. It aims to provide information and guidance to Canadian researchers on how to mitigate threats to their research and what those threats are.

Azure Infrastructure as Code and GitOps

Our next session on March 25 is entitled “Azure Infrastructure as Code and GitOps: How the EIS Systems Group leverages code to automate provisioning and deployment”.

Connect+Learn: Microsoft Whiteboard

Microsoft Whiteboard is a behind-the-scenes tool that can help you make the most out of collaborative brainstorming sessions in these remote work times. Join us for this new interactive session on using the Whiteboard application.

Electronic Signatures and Enterprise DocuSign

This session will introduce the recently launched eSignature Competency Centre, a resource portal providing information and guidance on electronic signatures.

SAP Higher Education and Research User Group (HERUG) Conference

The University of Toronto is virtually hosting the 23rd International SAP Higher Education and Research User Group (HERUG) Conference this spring. The conference theme for 2021 is “Innovative Solutions for the Intelligent University,” a tribute to the important and unique role played by the HERUG community in sharing new ideas and solutions, which advance and […]

Connect+Learn: Enroll in UTORMFA

Join Connect+Learn and representatives from Information Security for a guide to self-enrolling in UTORMFA.

Connect+Learn: Enroll in UTORMFA

U of T faculty, librarians and staff across the tri-campus community are all invited to self-enroll in UTORMFA, an important part of a holistic information security program that will help support the University’s mission to protect user accounts and data.

Connect+Learn: Enroll in UTORMFA

U of T faculty, librarians and staff across the tri-campus community are all invited to self-enroll in UTORMFA, an important part of a holistic information security program that will help support the University’s mission to protect user accounts and data.

IT@UofT conference

Learn about information technology innovations and make lasting connections with colleagues across the tri-campus community.

Pride month at U of T

The Information Technology Services (ITS) division is encouraging staff to #DisplayYourPride by: posting your creative Pride photos/videos and tagging ITS (on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram). Use the #DisplayYourPride2021 hashtag. Learn more here. For more U of T virtual Pride 2021 events coming up in June, visit the Sexual & Gender Diversity Office website here for […]

Connect+Learn: New Teams Meeting Options

Microsoft recently released a slew of new updates to its Teams meeting options. Join Connect+Learn for an overview of these new options and learn how you can use them to better manage your meetings.