Information Technology Services (ITS)

IT@UofT Strategic Plan refresh: Seeking community input

Published on: March 25, 2024

For the past five years the University of Toronto’s IT@UofT strategic plan has guided our efforts to support the University’s academic mission through information technology services, informing the vision, framework and initiatives, both within the ITS division and across the University.

To refresh our goals and align with emergent aspirations, a strategic plan renewal is in the works. This renewed plan will guide our efforts for the next three years, from 2025 – 2027, and will include a review of our achievements, confirm continuing projects and introduce new priorities.

How can you help?

Following the same approach as the strategic plan’s first iteration, we are seeking input and inspiration from key stakeholders across the tri-campus community. IT@UofT community members are invited to register for one of our upcoming town hall meetings where they can provide input for the strategic plan refresh:

Priorities identified through our new IT governance processes, in combination with community feedback, will inform the development of a refreshed plan to be made available in fall 2024.