Information Technology Services (ITS)

IT@UofT 2024: Better Together

Published on: May 16, 2024

On May 8 – 9, 2024, the University of Toronto’s Information Technology Services and Chief Information Officer hosted the annual IT@UofT 2024 conference. Bringing together 533 staff and faculty from across the tri-campus community, the conference was a platform for attendees to explore the latest IT trends, projects and future projections while networking with colleagues.

This year’s conference theme was “Better Together”, which sparked insightful discussions on the transformative power of collaboration across diverse teams and departments, and the integration of cutting-edge technologies and methodologies used to amplify our impact at U of T. Through a collection of engaging breakout sessions, presenters illuminated these topics through the themes of artificial intelligence, collaboration and teamwork and information security.

“It’s always inspiring to see the IT@UofT community unite to exchange ideas and ignite enthusiasm for our field,” says Bo Wandschneider, CIO. “The continued success of this event highlights the power of collaboration and innovation within our tri-campus community as we collectively harness technology to drive positive change.”

Bo Wandschneider speaking to the audience on the Con Hall stage

In addition to the 38 breakout sessions, attendees enjoyed keynote and featured presentations. To kick off the conference, keynote speaker Mark Daley, Chief AI Officer, Western University, took to the Convocation Hall stage to delve into the profound implications of generative AI on various facets of academia, professional life and personal life.

Mark Daley presenting on the Con Hall stage
Deyves, Vickery and Steve talking on stage during the fireside chat

In a featured presentation, coupled with a fireside chat with Acting CISO, Deyves Fonseca, Vickery Bowles and Steve Till-Rogers from the Toronto Public Library discussed TPL’s resilient response to a cyber attack, offering valuable insights into recovery strategies and lessons learned.

“I am so grateful for the incredible opportunity to have served as a co-chair and to be involved in such a meaningful capacity,” says Omar Malik, Director, Technology Services, Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, U of T. “One of the most rewarding aspects of the conference was connecting with so many remarkable people. I hope everyone took advantage of the networking opportunities and continues to seek chances to connect with colleagues, share insights, forge new relationships and strengthen existing ones.”

A special thank you to all the presenters who shared their stories and insights, and to our volunteers who made the event run so smoothly.

The conference planning team is happy to report that the event received a Gold sustainable events certification.

We hope to see you all in 2025!

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