Information Technology Services (ITS)
IT@UofT People — Tamara Bahr
Published on: May 25, 2021
The backbone of any successful team is its hard-working people. The University of Toronto’s Information Technology Services (ITS) division is privileged to employ outstanding individuals with diverse talents that extend beyond work-related education and skills.
In this segment, entitled IT@UofT People, we will get to know our IT@UofT team across the tri-campus community and find out more about their hidden or not-so-hidden talents and/or pursuits outside of work.

Tamara Bahr, Manager, Teaching, Learning & Technology, Academic and Collaborative Technologies (ACT)/Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation (CTSI).
Name: Tamara Bahr
Department: Academic and Collaborative Technologies (ACT)/ Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation (CTSI).
Title: Manager, Teaching, Learning & Technology
How long have you worked at U of T?
I am a bit of a long hauler – 20 years, starting as a work study student at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) and I have moved around a bit.
What is your secret or not-so-secret talent(s) and hobbies outside of work?
I am not very talented at it, but I have taken up weight training and I love it. I love lifting heavy things and I love slam balls. I suggest everyone do slam balls to relieve stress. I also have taken up crochet – I find it very relaxing and great way to get away from screens.
How and why did you get involved in this hobby?
My partner encouraged me to try it. I was skeptical that I would enjoy it, but it is a really great way to get fit and strong. I love setting goals, meeting them and surpassing them.
When/how your interests in these areas begin?
A couple of years ago, but since the pandemic I have really put a lot into it. The practice has kept me healthy, both mentally and physically during a very tough year.
Do you have any professional training in this field?
I was taught how to lift by a trainer. He is amazing and very patient.
Who/what are your inspirations?
So many I cannot pick one. Famous people: Both Obamas, especially Michelle. All of my friends inspire me in different ways. Many, many, colleagues. My sister-in-law – kindest person in the world. My partner – his resilience, bravery and positive attitude.