Information Technology Services (ITS)
IT@UofT People — Cameron Gilpin
Published on: November 23, 2020
The backbone of any successful team is its hard-working people. The University of Toronto’s Information Technology Services (ITS) division is privileged to employ outstanding individuals with diverse talents that extend beyond work-related education and skills.
In this segment, entitled IT@UofT People, we will get to know our IT@UofT team across the tri-campus community and find out more about their hidden or not-so-hidden talents and/or pursuits outside of work.

Cameron Gilpin, field services technician, Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions.
Name: Cameron Gilpin
Department: Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions
Title: Field Services Technician
How long have you worked at U of T?
I’ve been here a whole two years! Started in September 2018.
What is your secret or not-so-secret talent(s) and hobbies outside of work?
I consider myself a pretty hobby-enriched person. I’ve done vocals, guitar and bass in various bands. I enjoy shooting film and digital photography. I play on a casually-competitive trivia league team on Monday nights. Lately though, I’ve been devoting most of my leisure time to drawing and illustration. I’ve been working on a comic book series called “Lazer Beast,” making album art for local bands, and (pre-COVID-19) show/event flyers for bands and DJs.
How and why did you get involved in these hobbies?
After putting off making any effort to illustrate for most of my life, a colleague told me that my favourite comic book artist was moving to Toronto and was offering illustration lessons. I hopped to it, and within a year I had crafted my first 24-page comic book issue. I suppose I got into illustration and drawing after seeing great flyer and local bands’ album art and thinking: “I could probably do that.” Turns out, it’s true! Mostly, I just like to challenge myself. Sometimes something I draw inspires me to approach one of my other interests in a new and fun way.
When/how did your interest in this area(s) begin?
I’ve been interested in illustration ever since I was a kid. I used to read and collect Spawn comics, spending time with friends trying to draw that wild red cape with all of the folds and creases. It wasn’t until recently after years of devoting my time to other interests that I picked it up again.
Do you have any professional training in this field?
None whatsoever. When I was obtaining my Bachelor of Education at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), I took a visual art education class, does that count?
Who/what are your inspirations?
Heavy metal album covers from the ’80s and early ’90s and illustrators like Benjamin Marra, Alexis Ziritt and Rebecca Guay. Stuff on the grittier, wilder side of the spectrum. Bright colours, dark content.
Anything else you would like to add?
Don’t be afraid to try new things!