Information Technology Services (ITS)
Google Chrome users advised to update following exploit
Published on: February 5, 2021

Google has reported a software vulnerability in its Chrome browser and is recommending an update to version 88.0.4324.150 or above.
Google has reported a software vulnerability in its Chrome browser for Windows, Mac and Linux users. As a result, they are advising clients to check the Chrome version they are using — recommending version 88.0.4324.150 or above. We recommend the University of Toronto community to heed this warning and update their systems, if necessary.
This update, released on Feb. 4, contains a patch for the CVE-2021-21148 vulnerability.
To check what version you have, click the three-lines (“hamburger”) icon in the top right corner. For Chrome, go to Help, then About Chrome. For Chromium simply click About Chromium. If you aren’t up-to-date, use the Update Google Chrome option to force an update. For more information on how to update, visit the Google Chrome Help web page.
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For more information on the security flaw, read the article: Chrome zero-day browser bug found – patch now! on