Information Technology Services (ITS)

Explore cyber security and change management with ITS Thursdays@3

Published on: February 24, 2025

The IT@UofT community is encouraged to attend ITS’ upcoming Thursday@3 webinars, which focus on the topics of cyber security and change management from a range of perspectives. This webinar series is hosted by ITS and is open to all University of Toronto staff.

ITS staff members will automatically receive an optional Outlook invitation to attend. Members of the broader IT@UofT community will need to register to receive additional meeting information.

Upcoming webinars:

Enhancing cyber security: Information security awareness table-top exercise program

Feb. 27, 2025, 3 – 3:50 p.m.
Presenters: Alex Lu, Incident Response Security Specialist, Information Security, ITS and Malcolm Smith, Cyber Resilience Advisor, Immersive Labs

Join us for a demonstration of Information Security’s new Immersive Labs Crisis Sim platform, now available to divisions for practice decision making in security incidents. This service provides an opportunity for engagement of academic leaders and IT professionals in interactive, scenario-based exercises that simulate real-world cyber threats. Discover effective facilitation strategies and resources to enhance security within the IT@UofT community and hear a success story from a recent initiative at UTM.

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Managing change for IT@UofT

Mar. 27, 2025, 3 – 3:50 p.m.
Presenters: Gary Raposo, Assistant Director, Enterprise Shared Services, Enterprise Applications and Solutions Integration, ITS and
Brian Whelan, Information Technology Service Management Coordinator, EASI, ITS

Learn about a new change management process that is being introduced by ITS, designed to manage the rollout of new infrastructure, services and features related to centrally supported systems. In this new process, a Change Advisory Board reviews proposed changes and evaluates risk before approving implementation plans. The primary purpose of a change advisory workflow is to ensure that changes are introduced to the community with transparent communication, efficient use of resources and with minimal risk to the organization, all in keeping with recognized standard practices in information technology management. This session will provide insight under the hood of this new process which will leverage ServiceNow for workflows and tracking of proposed changes.

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Research information security: Managing risk and compliance

Apr. 17, 2025, 3 – 3:50 p.m.
Presenter: Michael Laurentius, Research Information Security Specialist, Information Security, ITS

As IT professionals, what is our role in supporting the talented researchers who work at the University of Toronto? This session will describe new initiatives aimed providing security advice, assistance and services to safeguard of research knowledge, intellectual property and data from unwanted or unintended access, interference or loss. In joint support with the Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation, Information Security has introduced new services and infrastructure evaluation frameworks to guide the risk management process, providing focused support to the research community and strategic guidance to security leadership. Presenter Michael Laurentius will describe the critical success factors for this innovative new service model.

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