Discrimination based on race, place of origin and creed (religion/spirituality or faith) can manifest in various ways within the workplace, sometimes distinctly and other times in overlapping forms. This interactive workshop aims to deepen participants’ understanding of how both race, place of origin and creed-based discrimination can occur in our work environments. Participants will learn to recognize these forms of discrimination and their impacts, explore relevant University policies to address discrimination and harassment and share strategies and practices that support inclusive and equitable workplace.
In the session participants will:
- Define key terms and concepts related to race, place of origin, and creed-based discrimination, and their implications for the work environment and university policy and practices.
- Identify various manifestations of race, place of origin, and creed-based discrimination in the workplace, including overt and subtle forms of discriminatory behavior and harassment, and deepen understanding on the impact of such discriminations on individuals, teams, and the overall work environment.
- Learn and apply strategies for advancing inclusive practices, including effective communication practices.
- Jodie Glean, Executive Director, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion, Institutional Equity Office
- Shari Golberg, Assistant Director, Faith & Anti-Racism, Institutional Equity Office
To register the event, visit the official event page.