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Advisory Committee on Enterprise Information Technology (ACE-IT)

This advisory committee will engage in discussions on direction, planning, priorities and investment for the University’s enterprise-level information technology services. The group will share information, create vision and make significant contributions towards enterprise solutions. The forum is designed to build trust and act as a catalyst for setting direction and strategy for information technology across the University.

Enterprise solutions need not be ‘owned’ or operated by central IT. We are looking for ways to work collaboratively to ensure consistent design and interoperability, which will deliver an efficient and effective array of such services to meet the teaching, research and administrative goals of the institution. ACE-IT may develop strategies, priorities and policies and make recommendations to the appropriate governance structures, such as the University IT council and information security council.


  1. Ensure alignment of enterprise IT services with academic and administrative direction, goals and priorities.
  2. Ensure that an appropriate array of enterprise services are provided for departments, faculty, staff and students to enable such things as effective communication, broad collaboration and timely access to information.
  3. Provide a forum where new requirements or emerging technologies are discussed and considered.
  4. Provide guidance for the identification and selection of enterprise-level service solutions.
  5. Communicate the University’s IT strategies and priorities for enterprise IT services to the campus.
  6. Ensure that appropriate security is maintained for all enterprise services, through corresponding measures, controls and policies.
  7. Provide direction — where appropriate — to minimize unnecessary redundancy or non-sustainable service implementations and the resulting inefficiencies and risks.


Name Title Division/Faculty/Department
Donna Kidwell (Chair) Acting CIO, Information Technology Services University of Toronto
Anthony Betts Director, Information & Instructional Technology Services UTM
Sotira Chrisanthidis Director, Information & Instructional Technology Faculty of Arts & Science
Julia Duncan Director, Education Commons Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
John Latremouille Director, Information Technology Services Rotman School of Management
Sam Lipounov Director, Technology Services Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing (rotating member)
Sian Meikle Associate Chief Librarian for Digital Strategies and Technology U of T Libraries
Paul Morrison Director of Information Technology and Multimedia Faculty of Kinesiology & Physical Education (rotating member)
Zoran Piljevic Director, Information & Instructional Technology Services UTSC
Alex Tichine Director, Information Technology Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering
Three representatives from IT Services Leadership team – rotating as required


The committee will meet every month during academic year (as needed). The chair will rotate on a yearly basis.

View the meeting schedule.