Information Technology Services (ITS)

InfoTech listserv community guidelines


The InfoTech listserv was established in 2013 as a discussion space for technical staff at the University of Toronto.

There are more than 800 IT professionals employed at the University, distributed over dozens of campuses, divisions, faculties and departments. There are several, if not hundreds of Teams, SharePoint sites, listservs and application-specific discussion spaces. With all these channels, InfoTech is still the one place available to the entire IT@UofT community to reach out and connect about IT-related issues.


Membership is available to anyone with an IT position, as well as positions with an IT intersection such as chief administrative officers, business officers, and human resources and finance staff. Membership is usually established at hiring time and is exclusive to active employees.

Operating principles

Initiating a discussion topic

The listserv can be used by any member to initiate discussion on any IT-related topic they feel may be of interest to the group, to distribute announcements and pertinent information related to the academic or operational needs of the University as it pertains to IT, or simply to ask a question or seek some advice.

Breadth/relevance of topic

Topics that have general interest to the IT@UofT community should be raised on the list, whether they be application or service-specific, or a more general topic of which the community should be made aware.

Other topics that are more specific to a functional unit (e.g., Human Resource Information System, Wi-Fi) may need to be directed to a service group via the Enterprise Service Centre or by reaching out directly to an individual. Consider the breadth of the intended audience before posting to the list.

Examples of what to send:

Messages about the deployment of new Microsoft 365 services, cyber security updates, equipment for sale, or Educause resources available to the community have an IT@UofT utility and are appropriate to send to the listserv.

Examples of what not to send:

Messages about local problems with a specific resource or service are not intended for this listserv. These types of messages should go directly to a specific group, person or the ESC, unless you think the issue is widespread. Non-IT related bulletin board messages should not be sent to the listserv.

Care about content

Before sending an email to the InfoTech listserv, consider whether there is sensitive, personal or potentially defamatory text in message. Respect how privacy, security or reputation may be affected. When in doubt, reach out to individuals directly rather than broadcasting emails to the listserv.


The listserv is set so that “Reply” goes back to the sender and “Reply all” goes back to the sender and the entire list. To help manage message volume, please indicate when you would like a direct response.


These etiquette principles are applicable across all listservs:

Language and tone

We are all IT@UofT colleagues with a key role in supporting the University’s mission. Sometimes we disagree. The tone of all messages should always remain courteous, respectful and professional. Refer to the University’s Civility Guideline for more information.

No moderation

The InfoTech listserv is not moderated. It is expected that members use the listserv in a respectful, non-discriminatory, inclusive and constructive manner. We encourage you to take any conflict-related issues offline to achieve a resolution.

Appropriate use

The Provost’s Appropriate Use of Information and Communications Technology guideline provides a framework for appropriate and inappropriate use that should be considered when using the InfoTech listserv and any other communication channel.