
The Office of the Chief Information Officer is responsible for the planning and provision of central Information Technology Services (ITS) at the University of Toronto and facilitating the delivery of IT services across the University’s divisions. The CIO developed and championed the IT@UofT Strategic Plan. He is driving change across the tri-campus community while focusing on our strategic pillars of people, collaboration and technology.
Read more about CIO’s responsibilities

ITS Strategic Plan

ITS Core Values

About the CIO

A respected IT veteran, Bo Wandschneider has spent 30 years in higher education information technology, first at the University of Guelph and more recently as CIO and Associate Vice Principal, Information Technology, at Queen’s University. His early years included a decade in an academic unit where Bo was embedded in the research enterprise and actively engaged in teaching and learning.
Read more about the CIO

Education, Awareness & Culture

The Education, Awareness & Culture team is responsible for developing communications plans, strategies, materials and events that help inform, educate and drive engagement across U of T’s tri-campus community.
Read more about the team

Contact Information

Office of the Chief Information Officer
University of Toronto
Simcoe Hall
27 King’s College Circle, Room 5
Toronto, ON M5S 1A1

Tel: 416-978-8385
Fax: 416-978-8903