Termination of Collaborate



Update August 10: To assist with transitioning, the Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation is offering six days of webconferencing clinics for those making a transition to another solution, starting August 16: https://teaching.utoronto.ca/events in addition to any training being offered divisional teams.

Update August 11: For clarity, we can confirm that our current solutions, MS Teams Video, MS LiveEvents, and Zoom Education, will continue to be available for classes this Fall. As part of the ongoing RFP process, which we hope to complete soon, additional functionality and services may be added to the mix. Please stay tuned for further announcements.

Upcoming Session: Overview of Webinar and Webconferencing Tools for Teaching (Aug 26, 2-3pm)



Date: August 5, 2021

From: Avi Hyman, Director, Academic & Collaborative Technologies.

To: UofT Users of Bb Collaborate Webinar Software

Re: Termination of Bb Collaborate Services

Please note that effective August 31, 2021, the webinar solution called “Bb Collaborate” will no longer be available for use at the University of Toronto.

Individuals who have used Collaborate in the past should be downloading and saving any recordings they may have made following these instructions. Please note that all recordings will disappear from the Collaborate cloud storage after August 31, 2021.

Individuals who require assistance in downloading their recordings should immediately contact their divisional Educational Technology team for assistance. Staff are standing by to assist.

Going forward:

  • Individuals who wish to hold or schedule video-based events and classes will need to use one of the University’s other current solutions.
  • There are a number of choices available, depending on the size and functionality required.

Please contact your divisional EdTech team for assistance in choosing the correct solution.

Finally, please note that the Bb Collaborate tool is still available through Quercus at this time. This is to accommodate individuals currently teaching summer classes with this product. Unfortunately, that means that there may be members of the community who have started to schedule Fall course events using this product; we cannot prevent that from happening while people finish their summer courses.

However, it is imperative that users understand that even though they may have already scheduled an event from September 1st, Collaborate will not be available and cannot be used.

Instructors who have already started working on their Fall courses, and may have thought about using Collaborate, should immediately contact their EdTech team for assistance in migrating to another solution.

Support documentation and related resources for institutionally supported systems can be found on the U of T video-conferencing website.